Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I know that this topic is very controversial and like any controversial topic we need to learn to be open minded from both view points; I have found this has made me more knowledgeable about vaccinations. In the past 7 years of my research on vaccinations my opinion has changed; I have a much greater appreciation for them. I know the importance of vaccines, but I also know why sometimes we don't need to vaccinate our children on "the schedule." With that being said I'm not all for them and I'm not all against them either. I have heard stories from both sides (vaccinated or not) that have killed children. It's a hard decision we need to make as mothers, but whatever chosen please do your research before deciding. After which, do what you feel is right for you and your family.

~Sorry, no sources I wish I had them. I had done this research in the past and kept it for my own benefit, I googled everything.

~I wait until baby is at least 1 year with all my shots, but mostly 2 or older. I do this because you won't know if baby has food allergies until after then and my babies are nursed and not in daycare (but I do shop at Wal-Mart, haha).

(DTP now DTaP)~Diphtheria Precautious (whopping cough) Tetanus (lock jaw)- The newer shoot called the DTaP has less side effects then the DTP vaccine. Only take the DTaP or DT (DT is rare reactions but will not vaccinate for precautious it is the P that has more abnormal side effects). Td is a booster shot given at age 7. Tdap is a booster given at age 11-18, if not given the Td at age 7.
~I try and do this shoot at 1 year of age.

The MMR-is the vaccine with a lot of scary side effects. Side effects for the measles is death, the side effects for mumps is brain infection, and the side effects for rubella are birth defects and mental retardation.
~I give at 5 years old because it's needed for public school.

Vercelli (chicken Pox)-This vaccine wears off when child is 19, which is way worse to get chicken pox when older, but it is already going away and hard to find, so maybe we won't need to worry about it when our children are older.
-rare reactions, mild symptoms may occur.
~I wait until child goes to school to give.

Hep B-this is the one that they give in the hospital. *If baby is allergic to bakers yeast or eggs it says do not take! May experience analytic shock. Well since we don't know at birth if baby is allergic to bakers yeast we are taking a big risk in giving this no nonsense vaccine the day baby is born. Then why isn't this vaccine given to an older child? The reason "they" give Hep B in the hospital is that "they" have the vaccination schedule set up for the lowest class person that may never go back to the doctors again. This vaccine is for those who use needles/drugs.
~Other than allergy reactions-rare reactions, mild symptoms may occur.
~I wait until after age 1 to give.

Hep A- rare reactions, mild allergy symptoms may occur.
~I wait until after age 1 to give.

Pollio-don’t get if child has had reactions to certain antibiotics (do more research). Never give the oral vaccine (OPV)!
~I wait until child goes to school to give.

Hib-protects from fetal brain infection-rare reactions

Influenza-protects from egg protein-rare reactions

Pneumococcal-protect from pneumonia and meningitis-rare reactions

Rota virus-Is flu like symptoms-given to babies-would not give baby because not sure if baby is hypersensitive to an ingredient in vaccine (do more research if getting).

HPV (Human Papillomavirus)-for cervical cancer-for girls given at age 11-12 years old. Not sure about this one, haven’t researched it yet.

Meningococcal disease (MCV4)-not given until child is 11-12 years old, ok at that

I would love to here your thoughts on vaccinations.