Sunday, October 21, 2012

Parenting the Young Child

Parenting The Young Family

“There is no role in life more essential and more eternal than that of motherhood.” Elder Ballard
     I.        How to be more prepared each day?
·         Wake up a little earlier than the rest of the family.
·         Read scriptures
·         Pray
·         Write down your daily checklist.
1.       Something you want to do for yourself. (read for 20 mins./blog/nap/veg…)
2.       Something you want to do for someone in your family. (call grandma/write a note husband)
3.       Something you want to do in your world. (clean the floor/organize a closet)
4.       Write any other tasks you would like to get done that day.
·         Exercise
   II.        How to manage our home with our children?
*Routine and Chores; which will also teach our children responsibility as well.
·         Routine/Schedule
1.       Morning (say prayers, make your bed, get dress, brush teeth & hair)
                                                         i.            7:00am Breakfast
                                                       ii.            7:30am family scripture reading and prayers
2.       Afternoon (after school snack, homework, then free time)
3.       Dinner (sweep, dishes, front room, clear cups, wipe counters)
4.       Bed 
                                                         i.            8:00pm family prayer
·         Chores
Linda Eyre from her book A Joyful Mother of Children says There are many specific ways to cut down on stress in a normal hectic household. Probably one of the most vital is to share the workload with husband and children. Although this will almost inevitably produce mass pandemonium initially, it’s worth sticking to it until the process becomes expected and routine. Don’t despair, no matter what, because as children learn to accept responsibility -- from the tiny beginnings of the two-year-old being able to get a diaper for the baby to the big things like doing a good job cleaning the bathroom -- it is so much the better for everybody involved.
Many times we say to ourselves in exasperation, “I could do it so much faster and easier myself!” Just remember -- it’s worth the time and trouble in the long run to teach children responsibility.”

Daily Chores for Mom
·         Kitchen (unload the dishwasher and fill dishwasher throughout the day and wipe down counters)
·         Start a load of laundry (place folded laundry on children’s bed for them to put away)
·         Dinner
·         Whatever else on to do list (I find doing a big chore daily works well).
Daily Chores for children
·         Younger children can do all your chores with you. (wash dishes, play with pots and pans, unload silver wear, match socks, fold towels, rotate laundry, shake the salad dressing…)
·         The older children are in charge of putting away their laundry, other personal items and after dinner chore.
Weekly Chores
·         Saturday Morning (every member of the family has a chore and I check the kids). We do get a Saturday treat after chores.
·         Our daily and weekly chores are expected with no allowance. We do have an “EXTRA” chore chart with prices next to each chore. If the children want to make money after family chores they can do extras.
 III.        How to teach the young child?
Children learn best through play. Set-up a routine schedule that works well for both you and your child. You can break it up throughout the day.
·         Schedule a lesson plan into your day. And talk a lot, emphasize words.
·         Reading Time
·         Arts and Crafts
·         Letters, Numbers, Colors, Shapes, Sorting, Patterns
·         Sing Songs/listen to music
·         Color
·         Write
·         Build with blocks (don't let them destroy your tower)
·         Play dress-up
P    Play cars (talk with them about what they are doing "Max is driving the YELLOW car OVER the bridge)
·         Count (can do this while driving)
·         Rhyme Words (can do this while driving)
·         Respect for property (don't let them destroy toys)
·         Have Quiet Time (not nap time, quiet alone time. Need to expect more from our children)

 IV.        How to make time for yourself,  husband and each child?
We build deep and loving family relationships by doing simple things together, like family dinner and family home evening and by just having fun together. In family relationships love is really spelled t-i-m-e, time. Taking time for each other is the key for harmony at home. We talk with, rather than about, each other. We learn from each other, and we appreciate our differences as well as our commonalities. We establish a divine bond with each other as we approach God together through family prayer, gospel study, and Sunday worship.”  Dieter F. Uchtdorf
·         “Mommy is a person” (Refer to article on
·         Weekly Date Night with husband (even if it’s at home with takeout & a movie)
·         Date with child (not necessarily out just sometime 1 on 1 with each child...painting nails, playing a game, reading a book, going to the store)
*I feel we can Make Time for anything we really want to.
V.       Wonderful resources listed below.

1 comment:

Steve Finnell said...


Water baptism deniers claim that you can ignore Mark 16:16 because some of the earliest manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20. The problem is there are 60+ Bible translations that include those verses. I know of no English translation of the Bible that omits Mark 16:9-20. Yes, these same deniers have Mark 16:16 in the Bible they read. That does keep them from explaining away that truth of Mark 16:16.

Mark 16:16 "He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. (NKJV)

If the deniers cannot convince you that Mark 16:16 is not the inspired word of God. They will deny that "and" is a conjunction.

And Defined: A conjunction is used to grammatically coordinate words, phrases, or clauses.[Ref.]

1. Mark 16:16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved..(NKJV)

2. Acts 2:38 ...Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins...(NKJV)

3. You need an engine and gasoline to start your automobile. You cannot start your car by the engine alone.

4. Your doctor says you need surgery and a blood transfusion in order to live. You cannot live by surgery alone.

5. You must have a house with walls, and a roof and a heating system to keep your house warm in winter. You cannot keep warm by a house with walls alone.

Denying that the Bible includes Mark 16:16 does not prove that water baptism is not essential in order to be saved.

Denying that "and" is a conjunction does not mean that you can have your sins forgiven without being baptized in water.

It takes a skilled professional to convince men that immersion in water (that is baptism) is not essential in order to be saved from the penalty of sin.

Honestly seeking God's truth trumps the erroneous teaching of skilled professionals every time it is tried.